Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ya, I tell you evelyting!

I've been here for two days now. Grandma and Uncle picked me up at the airport. Grandma's first words: "You don't need to gain more weight, more than enough now!!"... Haha, I guess I had it coming.
It's really weird to suddenly sit here, on the other side of the world. It still hasn't hit me quite yet. I'm staying with my Grandma, Uncle and two cousins. It's great to live with my relatives, but Grandma likes to plan my life a lil bit too much... The hierchy stands strong in the Hsu household. I'm not used to that, but what can I do. I am trying to behave as much as possible so that I won't make any trouble. But no worries lah, my cousin and I are looking for an apartment in the city, that would make life a lot easier.

So many things going on here, don't have time to tell it all. But some funny things: there are all kinds of people riding motorbikes. I've seen family of four riding on one little bike, I've seen a couple holding a dog in their arms, I've seen girls riding in mini skirts, spaghetti-strapped tank tops and pink Hello Kitty helmet, business guys in expensive suits, and of course, those rough men in dirty wife-beaters and slippers chewing binlan. And there are lots of Japanese girls all over the place. How do I recognize them? They yell Kawaiiiii every five seconds. And one last thing. The food. I'm in heaven when it comes to food!!! Surely I have gained a couple of kgs already. Ate some dimsum yesterday; 50NT$ per dish. Which is like 10kr. Like my dearest Phillip would say: Jeg bare ler av det!!

Life here is very different. It's foreign in one way, but at the same time, I feel like I'm home.
Cheers my lovely friends, miss you all and please keep me updated, k?? Much love


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