Monday, August 21, 2006

Registration at Uni

Geez, yeah like I said, the Hsu household is crazy!! Today was registration day at school. I was supposed to take the bus into town early in the morning, so I was up at 6 a.m. But noooo... Grandma was too worried so she ordered my uncle to drive me to school. That wasn't enough. So my aunt and her husband joined us as well. Christ, me going to school involved half of my family tree!! We got there rather early I thought. Well, there were lots of ppl in front of me... I waited in line to get to post 1 for about 30 minutes. Things went like this:

* Post 1: Show your acceptance letter so you can receive new forms to fill out while waiting for post 2.
* Post 2: Show your passport and visa, turn in your forms.
* Post 3: Copy of your passport, turn in 2 passport photos and get student card.
* Post 4: Pay for your tuition. Cash only please.

Now... after like 2 hours... I got in line for the oral interview. I was #70. Weeeee...

Lady: Numbell fifftiiii.... numbell bla bla... numbell sixtyy tliiii... numbell seventiiii... Finally!!

Funny interview (it happened in Chinese of course):

Lady: may I have your papers please.
Mar: yes, of course
Lady: Oh, you are from Norway? Why do you want to study Chinese?
Mar: bla bla bla bla.....
Lady: Oh, your Chinese is very good! So Why do you want to learn Chinese?
Mar: Um, because I'm Taiwanese but I grew up abroad (like it says in my motivation letter which is in front of her...) and I don't know how to read and write.
Lady: Whaaaaaat? You're Taiwanese? (checks papers) and you have never learned Chinese?? You really don't know how to read and write? (now this lady is laughing and shaking her head...)
Mar: No... (kinda embarrassed and upset with the lady coz she's being rude) I've only had Norwegian schooling.
Lady: Na, what do we do with you.... (runs through her schedules of classes... lets out a couple of a-ya in the process...)
Mar: ??? I'm supposed to learn it at this school!
Lady: (mumbles mumbles... writes some stuff in my papers.) Ok lah, here you go, see you at orientation at 31st. Remember you have to be here! Bye bye!! Neeeeeeeeext!!!
Mar: Umm... yeah.. ok thanks... Hmm... Thanks...

Yeah... I'm very excited about school now... I guess it's true that my situation is kinda special. Most people have the opposite problem; they know how to read and write, but have problem holding conversations... Aww man, I really wanna be good at school. We'll see, let's hope that I won't end up in dumb-ass class.

I just stumbled around in the city after all this... ate lunch at Starbucks (yeah yeah yeah, shoot me :p ) and had a really nice cup of soy latte. The soy milk here is excellent! Went to a tea lounge a lil bit later (all this by my self, yes lah...) and then I met Heather. Heather is from Taipei, and was an exchange student at BI Oslo last fall. She took me all over the place, and to my campus area for shopping and eating. Shi Da has the best places to eat, especially famous for their night market. Can't wait to experience all this!!! And Oh oh, I went by some really great basketball courts on campus. Yay! Now I just need to find people to play with.

I sat in front of Sogo department store waiting for my cousin. Sogo is a huge shopping mall, the most expensive one of course, lots of "high quality merchandise" bla bla bla... Anyway, I sat there for quite a while, just observing people. And my god.. one word: Mullet. Mullet here, and mullet there. Many guys who are trendy look a lot like girls... The girls are of course beautiful. But some of them are too skinny lah... My cousin came, and we went to eat dinner at Shilin night market. The food stalls there are fantastic. We had some oyster rice noodle soup and stinky tofu! Hehe... great great great!

More and more people know that I'm in town now... Yay, now I don't have to be alone! Haha...
See you later lah! It's midnight now, and since I'm a very good girl, I'm going to bed now. Tata!


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