Sunday, August 27, 2006

Family Portrait

Imprisoned!!! Nah, j/k, it's not that bad. But I guess I was too naive to think that I'd be able to live my life the way I wanted to... Instead of finding a place on my own, I'm moving into my Auntie's and her husband. One thing which is positive is the location. They live in the middle of Taipei city, so it's quite convenient...
To quote my Dad: you need to get "unspoiled". Geez, thanks Dad... The standard at my Auntie's isn't all that. But, I'll survive.. I hope.

Let's talk about more happy things!! My cousin(maternal) Winnie is great! She's 6 months younger than me, and we really hit it off when we met. We party in a very similar way (yeah, whatever that means..), but I think she's wilder than me.. haha. But it's a bummer that she studies abroad... We still have some time though.

I'm being such a good girl atm. Going to bed around midnight, and getting up at 7-8 am!! You all know that I love to sleep. But when the household wakens at 6 am, I have to obey and be up for breakfast. Who knows, maybe I'll become Miss Goody-Goody while being here. *laughs*


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