Monday, November 13, 2006

Hipp Hipp Hurraaaaaa!!

Halloen dere der!!

Yesterday was a nice day. A very very nice day actually. I spent the entire day with my relatives. The occassion? My grandma's birthday this year is the same day as me, according to the Lunar Calendar. Yes, it's very confusing to keep track of two calendars, but the official one is the same one we are used to. So my uncle picked me up, we went and got a delicious birthday cake, picked up auntie and uncle, went home to grandma, uncle and two cousins. Ate lunch (my god I miss home cooked meals...), watched some cartoon and I fell asleep. Then it was time for CAKE!! Woohoooo, singing birthday song, making a wish, blowing out the candles.. sigh... My last birthday in Taiwan was when I turned 5. After the cake, the grown ups played many rounds of mah-jong while me and my cousins watched a baseball match. One big happy family eh? And then we went out for dinner. Grandma insisted on bringing a bottle of red wine to the restaurant. Dinner Chinese style of course. All of us gathered around a big round table, with lots of great dishes in the middle on a spinning thing. I know it has an English name, but i've forgotten it.. oh well, I'm sure some of you know what I mean..

Yessss.... Hoorayyyy....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hei kjære
Gratulerer med dagen! (om noen timer her hos oss...) virker som om du hadde en kjempe feiring. Vi får ta en ekstra når du er tilbake, kanskje det passer med en eller annen kalender. Har kost meg med bloggen din, selv om svarene har vært sjeldne. Har tenkt på deg en del i det siste, håper at alt står til vel. Skriver en litt lenger mail om ikke så lenge... Stor klem! og grattis!


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