Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wow, time flies huh?

Aiii, so sorry for no updates recently lah, been busy and lazy, haha. A lot of things have happened since my last entry about the Taiwanese K-TV.

So, it's basically a routine now; class from 8-10, then we spend some time in a classroom doing homework etc. We are such good students! Actually, we usually spend most of the time chatting, haha. But it's fun, we help each other with things, Joey and John's Chinese is way to good to be in our class, so they like to help us when we need it.

We went bowling to celebrate our first test - so much fun, we just spent an entire day eating, bowling, arcade games, dart and pool. I've updated my photo album - please have a look!

Like you may now, I hurt my ankle a couple of weeks ago, so I basically missed the last week of the intensive period. That really sucked. But, I'm back now, playing 3 times a week and I'm so happy about that.

Except school and basketball, we like to just stroll around in Taipei, getting to know the city. Shopping here is great, and it's so much cheaper than Norway! We girls in class spent a fab day together last week. After class, we went to do our hw, then we ate lunch at Syabu Syabu, it's a hot pot place where everybody has it's own hot pot and can cook whatever we like. Yum... And then we went to a famous tea parlor. They're famous coz of their fresh made "black pearls". Chewy small balls in all kinds of tea. Then we went over to Jackie's to play in their pool and jacuzzi, muahahaahahahah. That was so relaxing. After splashing around for a while, we went to The Sofa, a really nice lounge in Taipei's East District. We ate dinner and had some drinks, and spend so much time there, just chatting and having fun. We took so many stupid pictures during that evening, haha. There are sooo many things to take picture of, like the food we eat, the weird tea drinks we drink etc, but Nooooo, we only take pics of ourselves being silly.. It's becoz my is dead, and I simply forget to make people take pics... Tssss... I promise to be better at taking pics - so you guys can see more of my life here.

It's really getting tougher and tougher waking up every morning. In the beginning, I had no problem getting up at 6.30, taking my time, buy my fave breakfast etc. Now, it's really a struggle, but luckily I'm not the only one. The classroom usually looks like a zombie grave yard every morning, haha. No offence guys.. Hehe..

I'm looking for a new place to live atm, I wanna live right next to school coz the bball practice is sooo late, besides, I'd have more time in bed if I lived next to school haha.

I'll be back later with more stuff. Miss and love you all.... Tata...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeg er imponert, liker du bubble-tea (de svarte gummiklumpene) så slår du selv mine mest iherdige forsøk på å tilpasse meg og forstå østasia-greier.


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