Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm Lovin' It

Life is good...
I get up at 6.30 am monday-friday now, and I'm actually liking it. It's because I really look forward to school now. I know that my bball team is there, and my class is the best.

Just some points which will show you why I love my team:

- I don't know many basketball terms in Chinese, so one of the girls actually made a list with terms. Written in Chinese and Taiwanese phonetics so I know how to pronouce the words. The terms are translated to English, and she has also sketched out who plays which positions, so I'll be able to learn their names at the same time.

- I've gotten some "heat blisters" on my upper lip. So the girls brought me to a famous tea-shop and bought me a really really REALLY bitter tea which will cool my body down. They're teaching me all kinds of things, what's good for this and what's bad for the body blah blah.

- The assistant coach lives right next to me, so she offered me a ride home on her motorbike after dinner today. Everybody on the team rides a motorbike... It was raining like crazy, so girls supplied me with a rain poncho and of course a helmet. So from now on, I'll be able to catch a ride with the ass. coach. I'm seriously experiencing everything the Taiwanese do.

- The girls are really patient with me, so everytime I screw up on court (which happens often atm..) they only give me comforting words. The team spirit in general is great - I've never heard anything negative.

So except for my body being in a really bad shape (I'm still sore...), basketball here is so much fun!!

And why I love my class:

I've already found my "buddy". We just joke around and try to be such good students. If we've learned some phrases or words we like, we use it all the time. Seems like we have the same kind of humour... Mwaahahahahahah!
Like mentioned earlier, the teacher is awesome. We discuss lots of things when going through the textbook and we are joking all the time. It's not even like a class, we just sit around, read some text and talk about everything that comes to our minds. I can already feel my Chinese improving and it's much more fluent.

Oh, I better stop rambling now.. Have to get my homework done, we'll have tests all week.
Talk to you later.... Love you all :)


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