Sunday, September 10, 2006

There's a Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerooooooooo....

Hahaahaah.... My first KTV (Karaoke) experience yesterday! I went to the KTV's with three of the girls in class. Jo is a KTV pro. Jackie, Cindy and I were.. well, maybe less experienced and talented. We got a room, ordered some food and beer, and picked some songs. Jo was the only one able to sing Mandarin songs... So she sang in Chinese while the rest of us tried to sqeak in English. Hahahahah.. But it's a good way to learn Chinese, so we switched over a couple of times. It's difficult to sing songs you've never heard before!! Next time, I promise to be more prepared. I'll start to listen to lots of Mandarin music from now on! The four of us had soooo much fun yesterday. Just chatting and joking around.. I feel sorry for Mariah Carey - her songs are abused everyday at the KTV's, I'm sure! Just be glad that you guys weren't there, haha. Can't liiiiiiiiiiive, if living is without youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

Jo: I don't feel anything..!!!?
Jackie: You're not supposed to feel anything!!
Jo: Oh....

Cindy: My cheeks are so tired everyday from laughing!! I'll get dimples soon!

After the KTV, we bought a b-day cake for Eiren, also a classmate. First time I heard her speak Mandarin, my jaw dropped. She's an American, and she speaks Mandarin very well. I think she's spent more time in Taiwan than some of us. It's her birthday today!! Happy Birthday lah!!! 生 日 快 樂 (Yes lah, just learned how to type in Chinese. It's really cool, I know).

Oohhh!!! My dearest Michelle is arriving on Monday!!! Wow, that's tomorrow!!!! Geez, I haven't seen her since summer 2001, that's when we met, and together with Yenni and Ray, we were inseperatble. Aww, I'm sooooo happy!!!! It's been five years... How time flies...


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