Sunday, October 15, 2006


I experienced my first earthquake three days ago!!!! I was chatting on MSN with Jen, and suddenly she wrote "earthquake". And I was like What? Is that a band or something, coz we were talking about music. And then she wrote EARTHQUAKE!! and suddenly it can to my place, shaking for about 20-30 seconds. MY GOD... It was a weird feeling. I was sitting on my bed, and suddenly it was moving, it's hard to explain what it felt like, there was just movements. It was measured to 5.7 on the Richter scale. I was dumbstruck after the quake. Luckily no afterquakes. Every Taiwanese still have the great quake of Sept. 21st 1999 (9.21) fresh in mind, over 2000 people died, 6000 buildings were destroyed and 100000 were left homeless. Scary, I know. I was in Puli, Nantou region, in central Taiwan three weeks ago. The 9.21 quake struck there, in the middle of the island, measured to 7.6. Now, 7 years later, you can still see the aftermath of that quake. My flatmate also told me that the elders say that Typhoons are "afraid" of earthquakes, so they never happen at the same time. Well, all major typhoons this summer have shun Taiwan, striking Philippines and China and made great damage. I don't even wanna think if this is only a myth or what. But really, they were expecting several typhoons this summer, but they all managed to change their course a couple of days before hitting land. Yikes.

But yeah, this is a part of life in Taiwan. People here are so used to it. I don't wanna get used to it, damn! Ok, ok, I'm making it sound worse than it really is... Hehe, no worries, I'll be fine!!
Talk to you guys later - love you all!

PS: I had a Skype conference with Inger and Kjersti today, it was sooooooooo nice!! We talked for more than an hour, I love Skype! The webcam function is really good too. Funny, all of us were in different countries - what would we've done without this technology huh? Smask, jenter!


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